BDLP Update (3.26.2003 at 11:34pm EST): A lot of you have been writing me asking, "Where's Dave?"
Actually, HUNDREDS have written me asking the same question. If I was rude, I would say, "Look it up, you boob! Why are
you coming to my site?" Oh right, it's a Letterman site, ain't it?
Dave has a case of the shingles (in his eye), and is having guest hosts do the show for him as he recovers. He's still
recovering, and no, I don't have any news as to when he'll be back. So please, stop asking me.
While I'm here, this site is pretty much dead. I'll leave it up for the next couple of weeks, perhaps months, but I'm most likely going
to take it down because between work, going to the gym, and basically keeping myself busy, I just don't have the time anymore to keep
it maintained. Thanks for visiting, and enjoy the archives!
Here's something to do, Kenny...
I've seen the show live in New York City numerous times, so I know a little something when it comes to the Late Show Experience. Go ahead and read
some of these memorable trips, including my Second Trip Report (Where I get on TV)
and Ninth Trip Report (Where I get on TV again), plus
the Memorable Fifth Trip Report, where I visit the Green Room.
BRAND NEW - Check out the Tenth Trip Report, where DaveCon2001 gets the
chance to tour the Ed Sullivan Theater! |
For a year and a half, I took time at the end of my day to sit down and write a column about the Late Show.
It's called Late Show Impressions. In this column, I dissect the show that night, plus
add some commentary, whether it be about the show, or about my life. The column might be over, but the
memories remain. |